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Nueva Sangre


Sculpture (glass and metal)

Artist Anna Tomaszewski’s approach is reminiscent of that of an archaeologist. She searches for traces of the past, on a more or less distant scale, and is equally captivated by minerals and industrial waste. Her work questions our relationship with nature and time.

His work Nueva Sangre is a sculpture made of iron and glass. By salvaging and assembling abandoned objects and materials, Anna Tomaszewski gives them a new function as works of art. Her gesture demonstrates not only the need to reappropriate and “recycle” elements destined to be thrown away, but also the need to look at things differently. Nueva Sangre is about renewal. The sculpture represents a vegetal form, a long stem from which a bud is in the process of blossoming. The industrial debris gives birth to a flower.

In the setting of the Hotel Lyret, Anna Tomaszewski’s sculpture takes on a singular dimension. Set against the verdant landscape of the Chamonix valley, the work questions the hand of man in this natural setting, and hints at the fossils of tomorrow. The metal rod recalls the framework of the chairlifts that bring us closer to nature. Tourist infrastructures and ski lifts have transformed the valley, where the living and the artificial now coexist. Nueva Sangre symbolizes this encounter. From the inescapable obsolescence of debris, new plant species emerge and perpetuate life.

Solo exhibitions


Archimede t(h)rust, Espace Terrail, Vallauris


Ma, exposition des lauréats Jeune Création 2014, en duo avec Simon Nicolas, Galerie de la Marine, Nice
Reflets, coïncidence., duo avec Muriel Leray, Galerie Cetraro, Paris Collectives

Group exhibitions


On a moving ground, Cemeti Institute for art, Indonésie, Yogyakarta
éco (…..) éco (…..) éco (…..), volet II, Galerie Dohyang Lee, Paris


Ribambelle !, Espace à vendre, Nice
éco (…..) éco (…..) éco (…..), volet II, Galerie Dohyang Lee, Paris


Hystérie de l’éternité, curator Andy Rankin, Thiers Lieu, Boulogne Billancourt


Avalanche, curator Andy Rankin, Nelson Pernisco, Pal Project gallery, Paris •
Troubles Topiques, curator Tristan Trémeau, Tour à Plomb, Bruxelles
Pleins Feux, Fondation Fiminco, Paris


De l’île au monde, Ciap Ile de Vassivière
La baie aux 2 lunes, curator Leïla Simon, Eac-les-Roches

Anna Tomaszewski

Franco-Polish artist born in 1989/ lives in Paris, France


  • 2018 Kaolin, Fine Arts of Limoges
  • 2014 DNSEP Villa Arson
  • 2011 DNA Villa Arson

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